In the past week, #YoSoyLaCara has generated a great amount of attention. Not only has the Latino Community in Philadelphia shown support by posting their “selfies” to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but the campaign has also been covered by Univision 65, ABC6, Impacto Latino, and El Sol Latin Newspaper.
This Hispanic Heritage Month, Esperanza launched a campaign in order to promote community pride in the Hunting Park area and beyond. Banners have been mounted around the 5th Street Corridor region of North Philadelphia displaying influential members of our community including, local business owners, students, and religious leaders. The message encourages individuals to post “selfies” via social media with the hashtag #YoSoyLaCara in order to represent that they are proud to be “the face” of their community.
You can follow the campaign by liking Esperanza’s Facebook page, and following Esperanza on Instagram and Twitter at esperanza_us.
Take a selfie; take a groupie; take an action shot; take a picture in front your favorite place in Philly.
Together, we are fostering community pride, development, and ownership through our community identity. Where we live, work, the restaurants where we eat, the barber shop where we get a haircut, they are all part of this unified identity.
Be proud. Be the face of your community.