
Sign Up for the Immersion Science Experience at Esperanza College!

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Check out the flyer here!

Using hands-on, immersion techniques that model real laboratory practices,Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Immersion Science program plans to share ways to bring inquiry-based lessons from the lab-bench to the classroom.

Did you know that the genes of the fruit fly are SAME as genes in you and me? By doing simple, hands-on experiments in the classroom we can better understand how some genes are important during fly development, and learn more about ourselves in the process!!

We can use this model in the classroom to teach basic genetics using various fruit fly lines. To start, students learn to identify female vs. male wild-type flies followed by an introduction to various mutant phenotypes (physical characteristics). Observational skills and stereoscopes are used to identify differences in the mutants. Pairing appropriate females and males allow for follow-up observations: (1) identifying physical changes in offspring; (2) do the offspring differ in the ability to produce eggs (fertility); and (3) are the mortality rates of the offspring different from the parent generation?

Once these basic skills are covered students can move on to inquiry-based projects. This is the perfect time to bring the real world into the classroom! Are you a junk-foodie? OR a diet-conscious teen?

Let’s feed the flies nutritional foods and junk foods/beverages, then analyze and compare the results with fruit flies raised in their normal food! It’s fun, informative, inquiry-based science all in a fly vial.

Program’s Time Commitment:

This is a one-week summer camp that takes place from June 27th to July 1st, 2016 from 9:00 am to 1 pm at Esperanza College 4261 N 5th Street, Philadelphia PA 19140.  

Application Requirements:  

  • Students finishing 9,10,11 or 12th grade are welcome to apply.
  • Students MUST commit to participate in all 5 days of the event.
  • Student must complete an application form and write a 1-2 page essay;
  • Submission of a letter of recommendation (See details, page 4)
  • Have a parent’s or guardian’s permission to apply.

Course Fee:

A $25.00 refundable registration fee will be collected (cash or check).

Money will be returned upon completion of the program.

Application Deadline:

Completed applications must be postmarked by June 10th 2016.

If you are a rising 10th, 11th, or 12th grader, click here to learn more and download an application!

Don’t forget to click here to download a teacher recommendation form!
