
NHS Celebrates New Inductees

#EsperanzaNews, Featured

The National Honor Society celebrated the induction of 20 new members this past Tuesday, Jan. 31. at the Esperanza Academy Auditorium.

The 20 inductees, from all school years, joined their 12 fellow returning members on stage one by one. Each student was empowered by the professors of their majors with a thoughtful and heartfelt speech describing how they have exemplified the core values of the NHS – service, character, leadership and scholarship.

Becoming a member of NHS has a positive impact on the students and their future career paths. “Because it is national and there is honor in it, it is a great recognition they can put in their resume when they apply to college,” Justin Grow, National Honor Society Sponsor said.

The student’s leadership skills are also utilize throughout the year to serve and lead at various events. “They run a Spring Blood Drive and we also do an annual trip to a homeless shelter in Spring Garden around Christmas. They do a lot of community service that keeps the school moving and becomes kind of a student face,” Grow said.

The ceremony was followed by a luncheon with friends and relatives.

Check out more photos below!
