We want you to know that EILS is looking forward to a bright future. EILS has served more than 1,200 clients over the last 10 years. As we begin the next decade of our mission, we are more dedicated than ever to our clients and to you. We hope you will join EILS as we look forward to the future.
At EILS, we commit ourselves to a client-first approach based in Hunting Park’s neighborhood. We especially look to aid and support immigrants in Philadelphia as the current administration subjects them to far higher scrutiny.
EILS is about bringing hope and opportunity to our clients. We’ll continue to advocate for immigrants who petition for citizenship, and file Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and U-VISA applications. We will act as an ally to our community as more immigrants apply for citizenship and work to achieve their dreams.
Thank you for supporting us at EILS, and for believing in our mission. Join me in celebrating the beginning of our 10-year anniversary by making a gift to advance hardworking immigrants today!
Walter Toliver
Senior Vice President and General Counsel