
Your Vote Counts Today More Than Ever!

#EsperanzaNews, Featured, Uncategorized

The story of the Latino vote has the potential to be the story of this 2016 election. Many more Latinos have the opportunity to vote this year than ever before.

The Pew Research Center shows a significant growth in the number of Latino eligible voters has helped make the U.S. electorate more racially and ethnically diverse than ever this year. According to Pew Research Center projections, a record 27.3 million Latinos are eligible to cast ballots, representing 12% of all eligible voters.

Esperanza is proud to host a voting site tomorrow to benefit the community in the 2nd  District of Philadelphia.

Even though there has been a significant increase in the number of eligible Latino voters, it is in their hands whether or not the turnout will set a record in November.

Now more than ever, your vote counts!

More Pew Research Center info here.
