
Go and Do Newsletter: April 2019

#EsperanzaNews, Featured

Esperanza Introduces an Innovative Program for Pastors

Since its inception as a missional organization, Esperanza has supported and empowered many Hispanic congregations along with their Pastors. Esperanza is now partnering with the Lilly Endowment, Inc. to begin Renovación Pastoral (Pastoral Renewal). Esperanza will provide mentoring, education and networking opportunities for Pastors new to ministry through the 14-month program. Renovación Pastoral is designed for Pastors in their first years of service to the Latino community. If you know of any Pastor(s) that have been leading a congregation for less than 10 years, please do refer them to our Renovación Pastoral program!

The Pastoral program is recruiting Pastors from Southeastern Pennsylvania which includes Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem, Lancaster, and Reading. Pastors will be able to network with other faith leaders, engage in trainings with experts in their fields, and be matched with well-seasoned Pastors that have been in ministry for more than 20 years.

The Pastoral program will also feature Vision Trips, which will take Pastors on a road-trip to other ministries in our region for inspiration and reflection on how to better engage their own communities.

We thank the Lilly Endowment for making the Renovación Pastoral program possible!

We invite you to attend one of our Information Sessions either on Thursday, April 25th at 7:00 PM or Saturday, April 27th at 10:00 AM. The location is Esperanza, 4261 N. 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, 2nd Floor. Please RSVP Anthony Ramos at aramos@esperanza.us.

We’re looking forward to the program! And please do pray for our Pastors!

Easter thought from Rev. Rubén Ortiz, Director of National Programs

Human history was rewritten within the span of a single week. Two-thousand years ago, the suffering, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus our Christ rewrote humanity’s story.

During this season, as we’re mindful of this series of momentous events, he offers to help you to rewrite your own story.

This Easter, we invite you to continue the teachings of Jesus by loving him, loving others, and making a difference that will lead to lasting joy and peace in your life and the life of others. May our risen Lord bless you, dear friends, with abundant peace and joy at Easter, and always. #GoAndDo

Reverend Ruben Ortiz

Building the Esperanza Chapel

After prayerful consideration, we have decided to move forward with the construction of a chapel on our campus to serve the needs of our 450 employees, the nearly 14,000 individuals and their families we serve yearly and the residents of the Hunting Park community.

We believe that the creation of a sacred space devoted to developing our spiritual lives is essential to our mission to serve “the least of these”. In the past, Esperanza has utilized facilities that, today, are either unsuited to our purposes or no longer available to us. The time has come to invest in the construction of a place where the pace of life can be slowed to allow time for reflection, meditation, and prayer.

The Esperanza Chapel will be dedicated to spiritual pursuits and used by the entire Esperanza community including Esperanza College students and faculty, alumni and parents, staff and administration. We see Esperanza Chapel as “a place we can draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” and where we can celebrate God’s constant blessings (Hebrews 4: 14 -16; Psalm 100:2).

Over the coming year, we will work to raise building funds for the Esperanza Chapel and hope you will join us and the Hispanic Clergy of Philadelphia in making this dream a reality.

Lilly Foundation: Funder Spotlight

Esperanza makes a difference in the lives of so many because of the incredible support of our amazing partners. Lilly Endowment Inc. is one of our newest partners and has invested in our faith-based mission to build our Renovación Pastoral program, which will empower the next generation of Latino pastors in the Greater Philadelphia Region. Lilly Endowment is funding Renovación Pastoral program with a grant through Thriving in Ministry, its national initiative that seeks to help pastors develop meaningful relationships with wise colleagues to strengthen their ministries. Thank you again to Lilly Endowment!
