
ECI 2015 Featured 1

Esperanza Capacity Institute 2015

Register now! Or, find out more about this conference below.

Two-Day Structure

The Esperanza Capacity Institute (ECI) is organized in such a way where participants can enjoy the pursuit of a series of workshops within a tract of study or they can choose classes per their interest regardless of the tract concentrations.

The tract of concentration are:

  • Nonprofit Capacity Building
  • Housing Counseling
  • Women of Esperanza (Mujeres de Esperanza)
  • Youth Ministry Development
  • Chaplaincy Engagement
  • Relational Mentoring

Concentration Tracts

[tabby title=”Nonprofit Capacity Building”]

Nonprofit Capacity Building

Project Management Basics: Learn to organize your tasks and organize yourself in a way where you can consistently move towards the accomplishment of your goals in a project or event. Mr Ed Rowse is the Founder of the Business Training Institute and world renowned. He will be teaching this course on Oct 28th at 10 AM.

Developing a Business Plan:  Learn how to structure a business plan to help organize your plan-of-action and priorities.  It is also instrumental in helping others buy-in to what you are trying to do. This is key for fundraising or capital investment. Mr Ed Rowse is the Founder of the Business Training Institute and will be the instructor. He will be teaching this course on Oct 28th at 1 PM.

Getting Past the Fear – Grant Writing Basics: Everyone wants to know where to get money for their nonprofit vision. Learn how to organize your thoughts and ideas. Learn what goes into a grant application, what are foundations and philanthropists looking for in a healthy application. Jacqui Good leads the Development Office for Esperanza and will teach this class on October 28th at 3 PM and October 29th at 3:15 PM.

Establishing a Nonprofit Organization: We will review what it means to be a nonprofit organization and explore how they generally operate and organize. We will also provide an overview of what is normally needed to begin your own nonprofit. Walter Toliver is the General Counsel for Esperanza and Rev Dr Emilio Marrero has served as the Vice President for National Programs at Esperanza. This workshop is offered on October 29th at 10 AM.

Federal Grants and Ethics for Faith Based Use. Everyone is usually very happy to receive federal funding but what does this mean, especially for a faith based nonprofit? Come and learn about some of the policies, temptations and challenges of using federal funds as a faith based organization. Rev Dr Emilio Marrero has served as the Vice President of National Programs for Esperanza and served as a Navy Chaplain for over 32 years understanding the balance of faith and federal service. His workshop will be on October 29th at 1:30 PM.

[tabby title=”Housing Counseling”]

Housing Counseling

This tract is reserved for professional Housing Counselors who are members of the Esperanza HUD Intermediary Network of Housing Counseling. This is a closed tract and only preapproved personnel in contract with Esperanza Housing Counseling Services will be allowed to attend. The following workshops have been tailored made for this group of professionals:

Housing Counselors & Grant Management (Part 1) Oct 28@10 AM

Debt Repayment Options & Debt Ratios Oct 28@1 PM

HUD’s Housing Counseling System Oct 28 @ 3 PM

Housing Counselors & Grant Management (Part 2) Oct 29 @ 10 AM

Housing Counselors & Grant Management (Part 3) Oct 29 @ 1:30 PM

Housing Counselors & Grant Management (Part 4) Oct 29@ 3:15 PM

[tabby title=”Mujeres de Esperanza”]

Mujeres de Esperanza” Prayer Challenge

Leadership Networking Challenge:  Participate in a workshop dedicated to bring women together to serve as leaders and further develop the national network of Mujeres de Esperanza or Women of Esperanza (MDE). This workshop and prayer challenge will be led Rev. Miriam Witt on October 28th at 1 PM.

Prayer Networking Challenge: This workshop will look at the importance and power of prayer and aim at galvanizing women to come together in prayer across the nation for various reasons and needs. This workshop will be led by Lourdes Aguirre on October 28th at 3 PM.

Service Networking Challenge:  MDE will look at how women united in faith can commit to a time of service and impact the needs of our communities. To explore and pray for this challenge we invite you to join Damaris Cortes on October 29th at 1:30 PM.

Advocacy Networking Challenge: MDE will be seeking to encourage women leaders to serve as the voice of those who are not heard in our busy society. Learn about advocacy, what it is and how to engage in a spirit of prayer and unity. Join Rev Bonnie Camarda at this workshop on October 29th at 3:15 PM.

[tabby title=”Youth Ministry Development”]

Youth Ministry Development

Help Me! How to Start a Youth Ministry in My Church: Esperanza’s Youth Leadership Development Program under the leadership of Pastor Ruben Ortiz will be bringing leaders together to look at the intentional development of Youth Leaders in our community. Participate in this exciting workshop with Rev. Ruben Ortiz on October 28th at 10 AM.

Being Real: Foundations for Incarnational Youth MinistryYouth Ministry is about making a deep impact in the lives of our youth. This workshop explores what it means to provide a deeply genuine approach to Youth Ministry through the Incarnational Model, join Nes Espinosa the Executive Director of Timoteo Inc. a mentoring and discipleship ministry on October 28th at 1 PM.

Hip Hop and Youth Ministry: Understanding urban culture and how it impacts Youth Ministry. How can youth leaders increase their knowledge of urban culture to better engage their young people?  This experienced facilitator will share his expertise in ministering to the influential Hip Hop culture and its implications to youth ministry. This workshop will be led by Brady Goodwin, member of the Cross Movement. October 28th at 3 PM.

Leading the Fatherless Generation: How to effectively reach the growing number of youth being raised without a father. Children who grow up without a father are 5 TIMES more likely to commit suicide, 20 TIMES more likely to have behavioral disorders, 9 TIMES more likely to drop out of school and 20 TIMES more likely to end up in prison. This workshop not only raises the understanding of this population but it also provides practical tools to minister to this challenge. Join Pastor Jose Jimenez, Sr. Pastor of ACTIVATE on October 29th at 10 AM.

Is Philly the Next Ferguson? How Youth Ministry Can Respond to Crisis. What is the undercurrent culture of our youth? How is the culture impacting youth? How can youth impact the culture? Join us for an honest conversation and exploration of how we can help our Youth to be part of the solution and not the problem. Join Natalie Martinez on October 29th at 1:30 PM.

The Future is Now: Designing a Youth Ministry Model for the 21st Century: Are you looking for ways to make your youth program relevant? Is your youth model based on the success of a model from 20 years ago? Don’t leave the institute early! Join this group and study with Rev. Ruben Ortiz on how to design a Youth Ministry Model for the 21st Century on October 29th at 3:15 PM.

[tabby title=”Chaplaincy Engagement”]

Chaplaincy Engagement

Impact of Deadly Force in Law Enforcement: This workshop is designed for chaplains and clergy who wish to learn how the use of Deadly Force impacts the Police Officer and the community. Explore the psychology and emotional trauma involved. We have invited an expert, Major Marc Partee, from the Baltimore Police Department to speak to this on October 28th at 10 AM.

Ministry and Role of Clergy in Hostage Negotiations: Hostage Negotiations are intense for the victim, the victim’s family, the police officers on the scene and the negotiator. There is plenty of stress impacting everyone around the situation. Let’s learn of these dynamics from a Certified Hostage Negotiator and discuss how clergy can be better suited to respond to these situations and assist the team to a place of healing. This session will be led by Arnaldo Puentes, A Corporate Investigator, on October 28th at 1 PM.

Crisis Ministry & Role of Chaplains: When a crisis hits the fan everyone thinks of calling a chaplain, but how do we learn to be of assistance and not be in the way? You are invited to a discussion that will explore how a chaplain ministers in a crisis situation while allowing first responders to do their job. Explore this discussion with retired Navy Chaplain of over 32 years, Rev Dr Emilio Marrero on October 28th at 3 PM.

Suicide Prevention (Part 1 & Part 2): Suicide is a very present reality in the lives of first responders and returning personnel from combat zones. Pastor Lou Centeno will be sharing the official Suicide Prevention Training for Police Chaplains and Police in Philadelphia. If you haven’t taken this training sign up today and you will find that it is applicable whether you deal with a police officer or with a parishioner. Part 1 Training will be on October 29th at 10 AM and Part 2 Training will be on October 29th at 1:30 PM.

[tabby title=”Esperanza Relational Mentoring”]

Esperanza Relational Mentoring

This tract is reserved for those affiliates who are members of the Office of Justice and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program Real Time Mentoring program. The following workshops have been tailored made for this group of professionals:

Project Management Basics Oct 28 @ 10 AM

Data Management for Real Time Mentoring Affiliates Oct 28 @ 1 PM

Grant Writing Basics Oct 28 @ 3 PM

Working Session on Standardizing Measures (part 1) Oct 29 @ 10 AM

Mentoring Program Management Oct 29 @ 1:30 PM

Working Session on Standardizing Measures (part 2) Oct 29 @ 3:15 PM


Plenary Sessions

In addition to the workshops we will enjoy a few plenary sessions. The plenary sessions are presentations that are made to everyone in attendance in one room. The topics will be of general interest and we hope you will take something away from each.

Plenary Session 1: The Esperanza Opportunity

Rev Luis Cortes will address everyone attending ECI on October 28 at 9 AM and share who we are as an organization, a brief history and where we are going.

Plenary Session 2: Community Policing

First Deputy Police Commissioner Richard Ross of the Philadelphia Police will speak to the importance of Community Policing and how the Philadelphia Police Department aims to build bridges with its community in how it serves and protect. (Lunch will be served during this session at noon on Oct 28)

Plenary Session 3: The Youth Barrio Initiative

Pastor Ruben Ortiz will speak to the development of the Esperanza Youth Barrio Initiative, a new program aiming to serve as a key influencer and shaper for future Youth Leaders in Christian ministry. This session will be a short session on October 28 at 4:45 PM.

Plenary Session 4: Fund Raising & Networking

The Esperanza Development Department will share ideas and approaches to developing interest in your organization through networking and fund raising. This session will be on October 29 at 9 AM.

Plenary Session 5: My Brother’s Life Matters

Bridging the Gap between the Police and the Community.

Rev Luis Cortes, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and Pastor Joshua Smith from Baltimore will participate in a panel discussion on how to build bridges with the community to proactively prevent crisis reactions like those in other cities.  Lunch will be served during this session at noon on October 29.

We will also take a moment to recognize Walmart, our sponsor, during this event.

Closing Event and Announcements

Rev Luis Cortes will join us on October 29 at 4:30 PM to bring the events to a close.


ECI will be hosted at Esperanza College. The official address is 4261 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140. To access parking and the front entrance to our facilities please use Bristol Street. The college is located on the second floor of the Bristol Street Esperanza entrance closest to 5th Street.

Space is limited so please register early. Once capacity is reached registration will be closed.

Register now!
